- Wake and identify excellent new plot points for story. Feel enthusiastic.
- Drink coffee while waking household to a bright new day. Think about exciting new ideas for story.
- Make 3,478th sack lunch for child.
- Argue heatedly with boisterous 10 year old son about weather appropriate clothing, politics, God, the pros/cons of sword fighting near a hot stove, the NerfGun dart that is stuck to the back of my neck, and what shoes he will wear (he will make the WORST choice).
- Use threats, coercion and bribery to successfully send son off to school.
- Chastise self for good measure.
- Search memory for new plot points identified that morning. Fail to locate them.
- Chastise self for good measure - again.
- Despair over writing career.
- Drink coffee and read email.
- Open Story on laptop.
- Suddenly think of something else that needs to be done right away.
- Do that other thing.
- Return to desk.
- Read Huffington Post.
- Consider blogging but feel inadequate for the task.
- Stare interestedly at toenails. Consider seeking emergency pedicure. Remember vow to stop all self-indulging behaviors until first book is published. Ha.
- Talk to dogs about problems.
- Think fondly of the days when cigarette smoking was cool. Pat self on back for quitting years ago while secretly fantasizing about making smoke rings.
- Pluck eyebrows thoroughly (as if this is actually possible).
- In an effort to justify lack of creativity (and to avoid having to actually WRITE), read and edit Story pages written to date.
- Have a snack and wonder if it is too early for a glass of wine.
- Experiment with new Epi-Lady on legs and armpits. Yeouch!
- Have another snack.
- Drink coffee.
- Drink coffee.
- Drink coffee.
- Re-read Huffington Post.
- Day dream.
- Nap.
- Drink coffee.
- Call a friend to talk about her problems.
- Go for walk or run or do yoga and day dream the entire time.
- Use positive self-talk to pull myself together.
- Sit down at desk again and disconnect from the internet.
- Despair of ever writing a complete story much less publishing one.
- Take a deep breath. Exhale.
- Begin, finally, to write.
- Write and write and write until that subtle shift occurs and I am lost in the sea of my dreams.
- Start over the next day.
15 years ago
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